September 1939
War damage
War prisoners
War Victims
Childreen of the wa
War cemeteries
Warszawa & other towns
Life in war time
Warszawa & other towns - Warszawa - the railways & train stationAdd image

Germans at front of central railway station built just shortly before 1939 invasion. The station was destroyed during uprising in Warsaw in 1944
Germans at fron...
Railway station, later destroyed during revolt
Railway station...

Warszawa - Zachodnia. The Warsaw West Station
Warszawa - Zach...
Warszawa - Zachodnia. The Warsaw West Station
Warszawa - Zach...
Warszawa Zachodnia. The Warsaw West Station
Warszawa Zachod...
Warszawa - Zachodnia. The Warsaw West Station
Warszawa - Zach...
Warszawa - Zachodnia. The Warsaw West Station
Warszawa - Zach...
Warszawa - Zachodnia. The Warsaw West Station
Warszawa - Zach...
Train station
Train station...




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