September 1939
War damage
War prisoners
War Victims
Childreen of the wa
War cemeteries
Warszawa & other towns
Life in war time
Warszawa & other towns - Warszawa - horse fairAdd image

Later the horses were transported to Warszawa Służewiec...
Later the horse...
Later the horses were transported to Warszawa Służewiec...
Later the horse...
Later the horses were transported to Warszawa Służewiec...
Later the horse...
Later the horses were transported to Warszawa Służewiec...
Later the horse...
Later the horses were transported to Warszawa Służewiec...
Later the horse...
Later the horses were transported to Warszawa Służewiec...
Later the horse...
Later the horses were transported to Warszawa Służewiec...
Later the horse...
Later the horses were transported to Warszawa Służewiec...
Later the horse...
Later the horses were transported to Warszawa Służewiec...
Later the horse...
Later the horses were transported to Warszawa Służewiec...
Later the horse...
Later the horses were transported to Warszawa Służewiec...
Later the horse...



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