A - Z Gallery - B - Baranowicze - others  

Baranowicze - others

Today: Belarus, in 1918 - 1939 Poland. Pre 1914 Russia, pre 1795 Poland
Date: 1932
Email: bagnowka@yahoo.pl

Back Row (Right to Left) Shlomo Burstein - Mashgiach in Chadera, Aaron Kreiser, Unknown, Shlaima "Kaminitzer" (Kamieniec), Yaakov "Suprasler" (Suprasl) , Berel "Warshaver", Unknown Middle Row (All are unknown except for the 2 on the far left) Someone from Bialystok Bialastock, Akiva Schapchick Front Row (Right to Left) Eli Polansky, Unknown, Yitzchok Truchenbroeder, Unknown, Nachman Schneider, "Lupcher", The source http://www.baranovich.org/

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