A - Z Gallery - R - Roumania - 28 old postcards  
Roumania - 28 old postcards

Email: bagnowka@yahoo.pl

Lot of 28 originall old postcards of Roumania (pre 1939). Radautz with synagogue (Bukowina), Constanta, Bucuresti, Braila, Baile Herculne, Valea Cernei, Suczawa Suchawa, Tg.-Jiu Podul Jiului, Sinaia Hotel Caraiman, Mauastirea Varatic (Jud neam? Jewish?) Poiana Itcani, Castelul Regal, Neufratautz, Letei, Craiova, Brasow, Brasov, Sulina. Many mailed and stamped

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