Warszawa & other towns - Dęblin - Irena
Dęblin - Irena

Today: Poland, in 1918 - 1939 Poland. Pre 1914 Russia, pre 1795 Poland
Date: 1940
Photograph: Anonymous Wehrmacht soldier
Email: bagnowka@yahoo.pl

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Zobacz film / Watch the film
Film. Mordercy Warszawy. Butchers of Warsaw
Łęczyca 1939 - 1942
Film. Lublin. 1939
Film. Sejny 1942 year
Anonymous Hero - Bezimienny Bohater
Film. Grodno - 24 June 1941 The end of history Koniec historii
Film. Grodno - 24 June 1941 The end of history - Koniec historii
Film. Mordercy Warszawy: Ribbentrop - Mołotow. Butchers of Warsaw
Film. Białystok 1939 - 1944
Rycerski Wehrmacht Chivalrous Wehrmacht
Film. Gdynia 1938 Gotenhafen 1939
Westerplatte 1939

Watch the film dated 1940