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Jewish Cemeteries - Białystok - Bagnówka - pre 1945
Here is buried our mother Perel Balebas daughter of Reb Shlomo Shabtai
died 28 Tamuz 5679 [26 July 1919] 
May her soul be bound in the bond of life.  
Translated by Sara Mages smages@comcast.net

second plan 
Here lies a man young in days, was plucked in his youth, our teacher Nachum Tzvi? Cwi son of Reb Moshe? Szochowski Szachowski  died 6 ? ?
May his soul be bound in the bond of life
Here is buried ...
Here lies an honest God-fearing man, Mordechai Yakov/Jacob son of Reb Yitzchak HaCohen Podomski, died 24 Shevat 5669 [17 January 1909] May his soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life.
Translated by Sara Mages
Credit Michelle Padams Brant
Here lies an ho...
Here lies an honest God-fearing man, Mordechai Yakov/Jacob son of Reb Yitzchak HaCohen Podomski, died 24 Shevat 5669 [17 January 1909] May his soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life.
Translated by Sara Mages
Credit Michelle Padams Brant
Here lies an ho...
Here lies an honest God-fearing man, Mordechai Yakov/Jacob son of Reb Yitzchak HaCohen Podomski, died 24 Shevat 5669 [17 January 1909] May his soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life.
Translated by Sara Mages
Credit Michelle Padams Brant
Here lies an ho...
Here lies Feiga Lemer Legner Lenger May she rest in peace, daughter of Reb Yitzchak Rechtman/Rochtman. Her years were cut on 15 Tevet in the year 5676 [22 December 1915]. I will remember her soul, he ancestors will cry for her and her children will tell about her. 
Translated by Sara Mages
Here lies Feiga...
Here lies Feiga Lemer Legner Lenger May she rest in peace, daughter of Reb Yitzchak Rechtman/Rochtman. Her years were cut on 15 Tevet in the year 5676 [22 December 1915]. I will remember her soul, he ancestors will cry for her and her children will tell about her. 
Translated by Sara Mages
Here lies Feiga...
Here lies the woman Sheina daughter of R
Here lies the w...
Here lies the woman Sheina daughter of R
Here lies the w...
Here lies an important modest woman, a real charitable virtuous 
incomparable woman, Mrs.
Rive/Riva Rejchil/Ruchel daughter of Reb Tzvi wife of the scholar
Reb Binyamin Yitzchak/Icek Glogowski  
Died 9 Heshvan 5680 [2 November 1919]
May her soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life.  
Here lies an im...
Here lies Avraham/Avrom Ber HaCohen Gotlober, an author, poet, and teacher, wrote many books in Hebrew and Yiddish. Was born in Konstantin Yashan [Starykonstantynow, Wołyń Volhynia] on 18 Tevet 5571-1811 [14 January 1811] and passed away in Bialystok on 2 Iyar 5659 – 1899 [12 April 1899] May his soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life.



Translated by Sara Mages
Here lies Avrah...
Here lies Avraham/Avrom Ber HaCohen Gotlober, an author, poet, and teacher, wrote many books in Hebrew and Yiddish. Was born in Konstantin Yashan [Starykonstantynow, Wołyń Volhynia] on 18 Tevet 5571-1811 [14 January 1811] and passed away in Bialystok on 2 Iyar 5659 – 1899 [12 April 1899] May his soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life.



Translated by Sara Mages
Here lies Avrah...
Here lies Avraham/Avrom Ber HaCohen Gotlober, an author, poet, and teacher, wrote many books in Hebrew and Yiddish. Was born in Konstantin Yashan [Starykonstantynow, Wołyń Volhynia] on 18 Tevet 5571-1811 [14 January 1811] and passed away in Bialystok on 2 Iyar 5659 – 1899 [12 April 1899] May his soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life.



Translated by Sara Mages
Here lies Avrah...
tombstone of A.B. Gotlober
errected by the Bialystok circle of  writers(literati) and journalists

Translated by Beate brokhe@gmx.de
tombstone of A....
Ohel to rebbai Chaim Halpern founded in 1921 y by Bialystoker Jews in New York.On the left Morris Sunshine from New York visited this cemetery
Ohel to rebbai ...