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Jewish Cemeteries - Białystok - Bagnówka - pre 1945
Here lies the important educated woman, outstanding in her good

qualities, Chava/Hava daughter of HaRav Shlomo Zalman from

the Frid family, wife of Reb Alexander Sznaider/Sznajder Schneider, who was plucked

while still in  her prime at the 34th year of her life on the13th day of the month of

Tishrei 5695 [22 September 1934]. Left her family members, who mourn her non stop, to their sighs. May her soul be bound in the bond of life 

Credit Alan Shnider shnider@optushome.com.au
Here lies the i...
Lea Zelman. Photo taken shortly pre 1939. Credit Neil & Lorna Myers neilorna@sbcglobal.net
Lea Zelman. Pho...
Lea Zelman. Photo taken shortly pre 1939. Credit Neil & Lorna Myers neilorna@sbcglobal.net
Lea Zelman. Pho...
Lea Zelman. Photo taken shortly pre 1939. Credit Neil & Lorna Myers neilorna@sbcglobal.net
Lea Zelman. Pho...
Lea Zelman. Photo taken shortly pre 1939. Credit Neil & Lorna Myers neilorna@sbcglobal.net
Lea Zelman. Pho...
Lea Zelman. Photo taken shortly pre 1939. Credit Neil & Lorna Myers neilorna@sbcglobal.net
Lea Zelman. Pho...
Lea Zelman. Photo taken shortly pre 1939. Credit Neil & Lorna Myers neilorna@sbcglobal.net
Lea Zelman. Pho...
Lea Zelman. Photo taken shortly pre 1939. Credit Neil & Lorna Myers neilorna@sbcglobal.net
Lea Zelman. Pho...
An honest man, righteous in his deeds and modest in his manners, Mr. Yisrael/Izrael Menachem (Mendel) son of Elhanan Lewinson/Lewinzon, died with a good reputation on Tuesday 10 Tamuz 5693 [4 July 1933]
at the age of 66.  May his soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life 
Translated by Sara Mages
An honest man, ...
An honest man, righteous in his deeds and modest in his manners, Mr. Yisrael/Izrael Menachem (Mendel) son of Elhanan Lewinson/Lewinzon, died with a good reputation on Tuesday 10 Tamuz 5693 [4 July 1933]
at the age of 66.  May his soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life 
Translated by Sara Mages
An honest man, ...
An honest man, righteous in his deeds and modest in his manners, Mr. Yisrael/Izrael Menachem (Mendel) son of Elhanan Lewinson/Lewinzon, died with a good reputation on Tuesday 10 Tamuz 5693 [4 July 1933]
at the age of 66.  May his soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life 
Translated by Sara Mages
An honest man, ...
An honest man, righteous in his deeds and modest in his manners, Mr. Yisrael/Izrael Menachem (Mendel) son of Elhanan Lewinson/Lewinzon, died with a good reputation on Tuesday 10 Tamuz 5693 [4 July 1933]
at the age of 66.  May his soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life 
Translated by Sara Mages
An honest man, ...
Here is buried our mother Perel Balebas Balebam Balaban Bałaban daughter of Reb Shlomo Shabtai
died 28 Tamuz 5679 [26 July 1919] 
May her soul be bound in the bond of life.  
Translated by Sara Mages smages@comcast.net
Here is buried ...
Here is buried our mother Perel Balebas Balebam Balaban Bałaban daughter of Reb Shlomo Shabtai
died 28 Tamuz 5679 [26 July 1919] 
May her soul be bound in the bond of life.  
Translated by Sara Mages smages@comcast.net
Here is buried ...
Here is buried our mother Perel Balebas daughter of Reb Shlomo Shabtai
died 28 Tamuz 5679 [26 July 1919] 
May her soul be bound in the bond of life.  
Translated by Sara Mages smages@comcast.net
Here is buried ...