A - Z Gallery - D - 47 Białystok Documents - jewish  
47 Białystok Documents - jewish

Today: Poland, in 1918 - 1939 Poland. Pre 1914 Russia, pre 1795 Poland
Date: 1930
Email: bagnowka@yahoo.pl

Byalistoker Bialystoker almanakh almanach far ekonomishe (of economic) gezelshaftlakhe (social) un kultur inyonim (and cultural affairs) mit a kalender (with a calendar) oyfn 1931 yor (for the year 1931) (M. Dunyets) (M. Duniec) Hile proyekt farn almanakh (cover-project for an almanach) fun(e)m yungn kinstler (from the young artist) M. Dunyets (M. Duniec), gedrukt loytn bashlus fun der zshuri (printed according to the resolution of the jury)

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