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Judaika - books papers

Email: bagnowka@yahoo.pl

First cover from old book, nice illustrated Talmud, printed in Vilna Wilno in 1885 y. Listed names of authors of commetaries: Ilia Wilner from Wilno, G. Chajes from Zolkow; Jakow Julis from Dinuw (Galizia); N. Bejrach Beyrach from Mogilew Mohylow; D. Luria from Bychow; A. Rajwid Raywid from Narbonna (France); Zracha Zorach Halewi from Lyon (France); Gerszon from Minz (German); Z. Aszkenazy from Jerusalem; Wold Arewitch from Telsze Telshi; Palel and Szloma Kagan from Wilno Vilna; Natan Burgil from Tunis; Leyb Elin Jelin from Bielsk Podlaski; J. Emdin from Amsterdam; J. Barach deom Seny Sejny Seyny (near Suwalki); A. Maskilejson from Minsk and Girsh Berlin from Berlin

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