A - Z Gallery - P - Poles in travel to Europe - album  
Poles in travel to Europe - album

Today: Germany
Email: bagnowka@yahoo.pl

Amazing album with many photographs. Travel of polish teachers and students to France, Belgium, Czechoslovacia and Germany 6.07-24.07.1937. In a group were: Stanisław Seweryn (minister), dr Wilim Francic; dr Tadeusz Betleja, dr Helena Seltenreich, dir. Irena Wojciechowska, prof. Ludwik Kobiela (Kobielc). Many great photos: polish ambasador Łukasiewicz, Mme Rosa Bailly (founder of Les Amis de la Pologne), polish embassy, Exibition in Paris: polish pavillon, russian, german, Hause der deutschens Jugend, Reichstag

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