Jewish Cemeteries - Białystok 56 - today
Białystok 56

Today: Poland, in 1918 - 1939 Poland. Pre 1914 Russia, pre 1795 Poland
Date: 2010
Photograph: Tomek Wisniewski

[two pieces) A memorial Here will rest a God-fearing woman, dedicated most of her life to charity, extended her hands to the poor and the beggars, her aim was to support the needy and the poor, was a merciful mother to every person in distress , she is the woman Mrs. Frieda daughter of R’ Zev Wolf, wife of R’ Yehudah Lisogorski died on Yom Kippur Eve 5677 [9 Tishrei – 6 October 1916] May her soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life. (

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