Jewish Cemeteries - Kowno Kaunas by Tomek - today
Kowno Kaunas by Tomek

Today: Lithuania, Pre 1914 Russia, pre 1795 Poland
Date: 2009
Photograph: Tomek Wisniewski

On the bottom right side - Our beloved mother the respected Mrs. Zipa Leah daughter of Reb Eliezer Altman. Her soul rose to the heavens on 18 Iyar 5672 [5 May 1912] May her soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life In front. A memorial to a pure soul. Spoke the truth and loved justice, loathed all evil and lies, your kindness was known among the living, you were pure and honest in your work, you turned from evil all of your days, you were loyal to God with all of your heart, your memory will be remember well here among the living and your soul will be bound up there in the heavens. He is our beloved father the wise teacher and rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu son of Reb Zev Wolf May his soul rest in paradise, Altman. Died with a good name at the age of seventy years on the eve of the holy Sabbath 7 Shevat 5665 [13 January 1905] . May his soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life. Translated by (

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