Jewish Cemeteries - Szydłowiec by Tomek 2009 - today
Szydłowiec by Tomek 2009

Today: Poland, in 1918 - 1939 Poland. Pre 1914 Russia, pre 1795 Poland
Date: 2009
Photograph: Tomek Wisniewski

Here lies. The crown of our heads was taken to the heavens, you climbed from us to high heavens, our hearts are sorrowful for the size of our crisis, the earth covered him…..our teacher and rabbi Mordechai Yakov son of our teacher and rabbi Shlomo HaCohen died 25 Elul in the year 5643 [27 September 1883] by the abbreviated era, May his soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life. Translated by (

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