Jewish Cemeteries - Szydłowiec by Tomek 2009 - today
Szydłowiec by Tomek 2009

Today: Poland, in 1918 - 1939 Poland. Pre 1914 Russia, pre 1795 Poland
Date: 2009
Photograph: Tomek Wisniewski

The woman Mrs. Masha daughter of Reb Tzvi [Cwi] Dawid [David] Here lies. We are bitter for the death of our mother, our sun darkened Woe to us, followed the Torah’s path, a modest pure daughter, was charitable all of her days, her sons cry for her, extended her hands to the poor, always sought superiority, was senior and kind, brought the poor to her home, died on the Holy Sabbath 8 Mar Heshvan 5693 [5 November 1932] May her soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life. Translated by (

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