Jewish Cemeteries - Łomża - W±ska 2004 - today
Łomża - W±ska 2004

Today: Poland, in 1918 - 1939 Polan
Date: 2005
Photograph: Tomek Wisniewski

Grave of Guta daughter of Zev Dov Itzek Arker 1) Here lies 2) as a remembrance of the day of the death of 3) our dear mother, 4) reserved and considered, 5) Mrs Guta, 6) daughter of Mr Zeev-Dov, 7) wife of Mr Itzchak 8) ARKER. 9) Deceased 2 Marcheshvan 10) 694. Died Sunday 22 October 1933. By Avraham MALTHETE

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