Jewish Cemeteries - Łomża - W±ska 2004 - today
Łomża - W±ska 2004

Today: Poland, in 1918 - 1939 Polan
Date: 2005
Photograph: Tomek Wisniewski

Cemetery art. The doves symbolize purity. The broken candles tipped downwards are the symbol of death, of the light of life being extinguished. A hand inserting a coin into a collection tin symbolizes the charitableness of the deceased. A prayer book represent the deceased good deeds Here lies the important woman Sara/Sure Gitel daughter of Yakov.. A terrible crisis happen to us, shiver took over us, our mother was taken from us, she was known for her modesty and her honesty, her deeds will be praised by the gates, she was good to the poor and to the needy, passed away with a good name, died on 25 Nisan 5622

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