Jewish Cemeteries - Gdańsk - XIX cent - today
Gdańsk - XIX cent

Today: Poland, in 1920 - 1939 Danzig. Pre 1914 Germany,
Date: 2008
Photograph: Aneta Cich
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An acrostic poem spelling the name of the deceased Yitschak [Icchok]. Here lies. A beloved soul simple in his manners, served as a Cohen with righteousness according to the rules, important and honest with pure reverence, light as an eagle, went to the synagogue in the morning and in the evening, surely he is a God-fearing honest man, the honorable Yitschak son of the honorable Mordechai Katz of blessed memory, died on the night of the holy Sabbath 7 Kislev [6 December 1845] and was buried on Sunday the eight of the month 5606 [7 December] by the abbreviated era May his soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life Translated by (

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