Jewish Cemeteries - Drohiczyn - 1987 - today
Drohiczyn - 1987

Today: Poland, in 1918 - 1939 Poland. Pre 1914 Russia
Date: 1989
Photograph: Tomek Wi¶niewski

(contains pieces of 2 – 4 tombstones): (center) “[broken] HGYNY? Sarah daughter of Reb Ch[ayyim] may his light shine. She died in the year [broken] (bottom) “daughter of Reb” (left) part of symbol – a tree? (right) “N’Y […] daughter/son of” Translated by Heidi M. Szpek, (szpekh@cwu.EDU) PhD, Assistant Professor of Religious Studies, Department of Philosophy, Central Washington University, Ellensburg

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