Jewish Cemeteries - Sieniawa - ohel & general views - today
Sieniawa - ohel & general views

Today: Poland, in 1918 - 1939 Poland. Pre 1914 Austro Hungary
Date: 2005
Photograph: Ryszard Bielawski
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Here lies Reb Effraim son of our teacher and rabbi Shemuel HaLevi died 3 Shevat 5671 [1 February 1911] May his soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life.A modest honest upright man. His home was opened to the poor, the beggars and the needy, supported with a kind face, feared God all of his life until his arrival to his resting place, was an skilled Mohel [circumciser] and was engaged in good deeds, followed God’s lead and was kind to people, taught his sons to be righteous, exerted himself all his days, May his memory be blessed for eternity. Translated by Sara Mages (

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