Jewish Cemeteries - Białystok 12 - today
Białystok 12

Today: Poland, in 1918 - 1939 Poland. Pre 1914 Russia
Date: 2006
Photograph: Tomek Wisniewski

(Top) "Beloved and friends in their lives and in their deaths they will not be separated." (Main) "Here lies (right) the mother, an old and modest woman, the married Shifrah Basze daughter of R. Abraham wife of R. Ari Lein Lejn. She died ? year [not visible]. (left) the daughter, the modest, God-fearing woman who loved to do that which is righteous, the married Gital Ribah daughter of R. David Ari, wife of Mosze Simhah Meir ---rerman from? [date not visible/extant]." (

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