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   Jewish Cemeteries - Białystok 03a ! * - today
A marker to the soul of my wife Rivka/Rivke. I’m carving a tombstone on your grave with my tears. A good woman like her is more precious than jewels, you were graceful and wise and had an honest soul, you were righteous and known by all, you listened to others, rest alone between thousands of women, rest in peace…. passed away and found rest here, my wife Rivka daughter of Moshe Chaim of blessed memory ,wife of R’ Eliyahu Klanimsky/Klonimsky, on Thursday 27 to the month of Iyar 5668 [28 May 1908].May her soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life. (smages@comcast.net)
A marker to the...

Here lies a woman, important and God-fearing, Mrs. Chaya Sara/Sure  daughter of R’ Shmuel/Szmul wife of R’ Tzvi Hirsh Friedman. Died oh Thursday 15 Kislev 5668 [21 November 1907] by the abbreviated era. May her soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life. (smages@comcast.net)
Here lies a wom...
Here lies a woman, important and God-fearing, Mrs. Chaya Sara/Sure  daughter of R’ Shmuel/Szmul wife of R’ Tzvi Hirsh Friedman. Died oh Thursday 15 Kislev 5668 [21 November 1907] by the abbreviated era. May her soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life. (smages@comcast.net)
Here lies a wom...
Here lies a woman, modest, important and God-fearing, Ms. Zlate Zibelman daughter of R’ Moshe Chaim….
Here lies a wom...
Here lies a woman, modest, important and God-fearing, Ms. Zlate Zibelman daughter of R’ Moshe Chaim….
Here lies a wom...
Here lies our important and modest mother, was kind-hearted and had a pure soul, Mrs. Kona Kowasnik/Kowaznik daughter of R’ Meir/Mejr Dov/Dow who died on Wednesday 25 Elul 5667 
5667 [4 September 1907] by the abbreviated era. May her soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life. (smages@comcast.net)
Here lies our i...
Here lies our important and modest mother, was kind-hearted and had a pure soul, Mrs. Kona Kapocznik Kopacznik Kabacznik Kobacznik Kowasnik/Kowaznik daughter of R’ Meir/Mejr Dov/Dow who died on Wednesday 25 Elul 5667 
5667 [4 September 1907] by the abbreviated era. May her soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life. (smages@comcast.net)
Here lies our i...
Here lies an important and modest woman, from a prominent ancestry, a God-fearing woman of valor, she is the respected Ms. Sara/Sure daughter of HaRav Yakov/Jacow Michil Leiw Lew The righteous of blessed memory, died 10 Elul 5667 [20 August 1907]
  by the abbreviated era. May her  soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life. (smages@comcast.net)
Here lies an im...
Here lies an important and modest woman, from a prominent ancestry,a God-fearing woman of valor, she is the respected Ms. Sara/Sure daughter of HaRav Yakov/Jacow Michil Leiw The righteous of blessed memory, died 10 Elul 5667 [20 August 1907]
  by the abbreviated era. May her  soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life. (smages@comcast.net)
Here lies an im...
Here lies an important and modest woman...
Here lies an im...
Here lies the modest woman at the prime of her life, Ms. Feigel daughter of R’ Zechariah from the Frank family, her soul rose to the heavens on 23 Iyar, a bitter day was the days she passed away, my happiness was taken from because my ? was robbed, this day will be engraved in my heart for eternity because my only daughter was taken in the year 5667 [7 May 1907]      
by the abbreviated era. May her soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life. (smages@comcast.net)
Here lies the m...
Here lies the modest woman at the prime of her life, Ms. Feigel daughter of R’ Zechariah from the Frank family, her soul rose to the heavens on 23 Iyar, a bitter day was the days she passed away, my happiness was taken from because my ? was robbed, this day will be engraved in my heart for eternity because my only daughter was taken in the year 5667 [7 May 1907]      
by the abbreviated era. May her soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life. (smages@comcast.net)
Here lies the m...
Here lies a modest God-fearing woman Ms. Dvora daughter of R’ 
Yitzchak/Icook Goldberg Golberg died on Sunday 26 Shevat 5667 [10 February 1907] 
by the abbreviated era. May her soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life. (smages@comcast.net)
Here lies a mod...
Here lies…..Mrs. Golda daughter of R’ Eliezer HaLevi Epstein of blessed memory, wife of R’ Mordechai Romanow…
Here lies…...