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   Jewish Cemeteries - Białystok 03a ! * - today
…Ms. Zelka daughter of R’ Yakov Jakow Rabinowicz Rabinowitch…died a few month after ? on Monday morning  
13 Tevet 5663  [Gregorian date 13 January 1903 Julian date 30 December 1902] May her soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life. (smages@comcast.net)
…Ms. Zelk...
…Ms. Zelka daughter of R’ Yakov Jakow Rabinowicz Rabinowitch…died a few month after ? on Monday morning  
13 Tevet 5663  [Gregorian date 13 January 1903 Julian date 30 December 1902] May her soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life. (smages@comcast.net)
…Ms. Zelk...
…Ms. Zelka daughter of R’ Yakov Jakow Rabinowicz Rabinowitch…died a few month after ? on Monday morning  
13 Tevet 5663  [Gregorian date 13 January 1903 Julian date 30 December 1902] May her soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life. (smages@comcast.net)
…Ms. Zelk...
Here lies R’ Eliezer Zev Wolf son of R’ Yitzchak Ajzik Weinberg died on 
Tuesday 2 Heshvan in the year 5672 [24 October 1911] at the age of 65 
May his soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life.  
Here lies RR...
Here lies R’ Eliezer Zev Wolf son of R’ Yitzchak Ajzik Weinberg died on 
Tuesday 2 Heshvan in the year 5672 [24 October 1911] at the age of 65 
May his soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life.  
Here lies RR...
Wolf Ajzykowicz Aizykowich Wajnberg Weinberg
Wolf Ajzykowicz...
Wolf Ajzykowicz Aizykowich Wajnberg Weinberg
Wolf Ajzykowicz...
Died at the prime of his life on 19 Kislev 5672
[10 December 1911]
May his soul be bound in the bond of life
Mordche Turon
Died at the pri...
Died at the prime of his life on 19 Kislev 5672
[10 December 1911]
May his soul be bound in the bond of life 
Mordche Turon
Died at the pri...
Here lies a God-fearing man, the scholar our teacher and rabbi R’ 
Yitzchak/Isaak Shlomo son of R’ Meir HaCohen Wałach Wałłach Walach Wallach.
Died on the second intermediate day of Passover 5672 [Friday 18 Nisan Gregorian date 5 April 1912  Julian date 23 March 1912] May his soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life.  (smages@comcast.net)

In Russian: 
Izaak Mejerowicz Walach Wallach Wałach 1912
Here lies a God...
Here lies a God-fearing man, the scholar our teacher and rabbi R’ 
Yitzchak/Isaak Shlomo son of R’ Meir HaCohen Wałach Wałłach Walach Wallach.
Died on the second intermediate day of Passover 5672 [Friday 18 Nisan Gregorian date 5 April 1912  Julian date 23 March 1912] May his soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life.  (smages@comcast.net)

In Russian: 
Izaak Mejerowicz Walach Wallach Wałach 1912
Here lies a God...
A stone fragment for a woman who died on the Holy Sabbath 13 Shevat 5664
[17 January 1904] by the abbreviated era. May her soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life.
A stone fragmen...
Here lies the modest woman Mrs. Sheina Sara daughter of R’ Pesach  Fein [from the previous photo - died on the Holly Sabbath 13 Shevat 5664
[17 January 1904] by the abbreviated era. May her soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life.]
Here lies the m...
Here lies the modest woman Mrs. Sheina Sara daughter of R’ Pesach  Fein [from the previous photo - died on the Holly Sabbath 13 Shevat 5664
[17 January 1904] by the abbreviated era. May her soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life.]
Here lies the m...
Mrs. Sheina Sara daughter of R’ Pesach Fein
Mrs. Sheina Sar...