
   Christian cemeteries
   Muslim cemeteries
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   See town/find map
   ! - all graves translated!
   * - all existing gravestones
   Jewish Cemeteries - £ód¼ - the plaques on the wall ! * - today

From the top:  

1. Shemuel Leib son of Avraham [Abram] Yakov Litmanowicz
died at the age of 32 years ? ?
2.  Avraham Yakov Litmanowicz of blessed memory
From the top: ...
Chiel Wolf Chasklowicz Chaja Fajga; Fiszel son of Morche Barbanel Szykman Schickmann
Chiel Wolf Chas...
Adolf Wolf Szlezynger Schlezinger Aizykowicz Szmulewicz Rajchmn Reichman Aszczak Maus
Adolf Wolf Szle...