
   Christian cemeteries
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   * - all existing gravestones
   Jewish Cemeteries - Białystok 84 * - today
Chaya Perel daughter of r. Chaim Dawid wife of r. Chaim Szejnfikel Sheinfinkel
Chaya Perel dau...
Chaya Perel daughter of r. Chaim Dawid wife of r. Chaim Szejnfikel Sheinfinkel
Chaya Perel dau...
"Here lies the modest woman who walks with Fear of God and considerate to the poor. It is the married Sarah Reizel daughter of the kind who was know as R. Shimon (Halayker), wife of R. Abraham Kremer. She died 11 Kislev 5693 [10 December 1932]. May her soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life." (szpekh@cwu.edu)
"Here lies the ...
(Top half): "Here lies the modest woman who walks with Fear of God and considerate to the poor. It is the married Sarah Reizel daughter of the kind who was know as R. Shimon (Halayker), wife of R. Abraham Kremer. She died 11 Kislev 5693 [10 December 1932]. May her soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life." (szpekh@cwu.edu)
(Top half): "He...
(Bottom Half): "Here lies the modest woman who walks with Fear of God and considerate to the poor. It is the married Sarah Reizel daughter of the kind who was know as R. Shimon (Halayker), wife of R. Abraham Kremer. She died 11 Kislev 5693 [10 December 1932]. May her soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life."
(Bottom Half): ...
Rivah Jocelson Jacelson Joselson Joelson daughter of r. Dow ... Ber? Walk Wolk
Rivah Jocelson ...
Rivah Jocelson Jacelson Joselson Joelson daughter of r. Dow ... Ber? Walk Wolk
Rivah Jocelson ...
Anna Gdanska 1878 - 1933
Anna Gdanska 18...


Feygel Fejgiel
Feygel Fejgiel...
Fejgiel ...lan
Fejgiel ...lan...

