
   Christian cemeteries
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   Jewish Cemeteries - Przedbórz - today
During the war gravestones were moved to gestap headquarter and used as sidewalk at front f the bulidng (today school "Zespołu Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych, Piotrkowska 1"); some renovated are now located in Local Folk Museum Przedborz Land www.przedborz.yoyo.pl
During the war ...
During the war gravestones were moved to gestap headquarter and used as sidewalk at front f the bulidng (today school "Zespołu Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych, Piotrkowska 1"); some renovated are now located in Local Folk Museum Przedborz Land www.przedborz.yoyo.pl
During the war ...
During the war gravestones were moved to gestap headquarter and used as sidewalk at front f the bulidng (today school "Zespołu Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych, Piotrkowska 1"); some renovated are now located in Local Folk Museum Przedborz Land www.przedborz.yoyo.pl
During the war ...
During the war gravestones were moved to gestap headquarter and used as sidewalk at front f the bulidng (today school "Zespołu Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych, Piotrkowska 1"); some renovated are now located in Local Folk Museum Przedborz Land www.przedborz.yoyo.pl
During the war ...
During the war gravestones were moved to gestap headquarter and used as sidewalk at front f the bulidng (today school "Zespołu Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych, Piotrkowska 1"); some renovated are now located in Local Folk Museum Przedborz Land www.przedborz.yoyo.pl
During the war ...
During the war gravestones were moved to gestap headquarter and used as sidewalk at front f the bulidng (today school "Zespołu Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych, Piotrkowska 1"); some renovated are now located in Local Folk Museum Przedborz Land www.przedborz.yoyo
During the war ...