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   Jewish Cemeteries - Białystok 25 - today

"[lengthy acrostic poem] It is she, the important and modest woman, God-fearing, the married Sarah Rabkowicz Rabkowitz daughter of R. Aaron of blessed memory. She died on the 7th day to the month of Shevat 5675. May her soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life." (szpekh@cwu.edu & Tomasz Wisniewski)
"[lengthy acros...
"[lengthy acrostic poem] It is she, the important and modest woman, God-fearing, the married Sarah Rabkowicz Rabkowitz daughter of R. Aaron of blessed memory. She died on the 7th day to the month of Shevat 5675. May her soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life." (szpekh@cwu.edu & Tomasz Wisniewski)
"[lengthy acros...
"[Here lies the] modest [woman] the married [She]inah daughter of R. Jok Ben-Zvi Bornbaum /Burnbaum (Hotner) [remainder not visible]." (szpekh@cwu.edu)
"[Here lies the...
"Here lies the modest woman, the married Chaya Gitil Aperstein Opersztejn daughter of R. Mosze. She died 19th [remainder not visible]." (szpekh@cwu.edu & Tomasz Wisniewski)
"Here lies the ...
"Here lies the modest woman, the married Chaya Gitil Aperstein Opersztejn daughter of R. Mosze. She died 19th [remainder not visible]." (szpekh@cwu.edu & Tomasz Wisniewski)
"Here lies the ...
"[Here lies [not extant] ? Leah Kagan daughter of R. Mosze Dov. She died 27 Adar I 5676. May her soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life." (szpekh@cwu.edu)
"[Here lies [no...
"Here lies the precious young man, our teacher Jakob son of R. Icchok Jowazki. He was gathered in the prime of his life. He died on the 5th of Av 5674 [age may follow and closing abbreviation]." (szpekh@cwu.edu)
"Here lies the ...
"Here lies the precious young man, our teacher Jakob son of R. Icchok Jowazki. He was gathered in the prime of his life. He died on the 5th of Av 5674 [age may follow and closing abbreviation]." (szpekh@cwu.edu)
"Here lies the ...
"Here lies the precious young man, the scholar our teacher the Rabbi Abraham Mordechai son of R. Zvi Arieh Slon Słoń. [He died ?] Sivan 5674. May his soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life." (szpekh@cwu.edu & Tomasz Wisniewski)
"Here lies the ...
"Here lies the precious young man, the scholar our teacher the Rabbi Abraham Mordechai son of R. Zvi Arieh Slon Słoń. [He died ?] Sivan 5674. May his soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life." (szpekh@cwu.edu & Tomasz Wisniewski)
"Here lies the ...