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   Jewish Cemeteries - Białystok 02 - today
"Here lies the modest woman, God-fearing, important, elderly woman, the married Mirka daughter of R. Josef, wife of R. Dov Menkes.  She died Monday 15 Tamuz 5656 as the abbreviated era.  May her soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life."
"Here lies the ...
"Here lies the modest, God-fearing woman, the married Lejba / Leiba daughter of R. Abraham, wife of Abraham Mordechai Baronski / Boronski/ Barunski /Borunski.  She died 22 day of Adar I 5651 as the abbreviated era.  May her soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life." (szpekh@cwu.edu)
"Here lies the ...
"Here lies the modest, God-fearing woman, the married Lejba / Leiba daughter of R. Abraham, wife of Abraham Mordechai Baronski / Boronski/ Barunski /Borunski.  She died 22 day of Adar I 5651 as the abbreviated era.  May her soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life." (szpekh@cwu.edu)
"Here lies the ...
Fragment: "Simhah Jasionowski of blessed memory from Kanow/Konow/Konaw.  He died Thursday 7 Menahem Ave 5657." (szpekh@cwu.edu)
Fragment: "Simh...
"Here lies a modest woman, the married Lejba Leiba(?) Heine daughter of R. Szlomo, wife of R. Mateti? Aharon Freidkes. She died Friday (on) the eve of the Holy Sabbath 12th Iyar 5657 as the abbreviated era.  May her soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life." (szpekh@cwu.edu)
"Here lies a mo...
tombstone of a woman
tombstone of a ...
"Here lies the modest, God-fearing woman, the married Tema Nehama daughter of R. Nathan Nata/ Nate.  She died the day of the Holy Sabbath 28 Elul 5657 as the abbreviated era. May her soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life." (szpekh@cwu.edu)
"Here lies the ...
"Here lies the modest, God-fearing woman, the married Tema Nehama daughter of R. Nathan Nata/ Nate.  She died the day of the Holy Sabbath 28 Elul 5657 as the abbreviated era. May her soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life." (szpekh@cwu.edu)
"Here lies the ...
Chana Hendler
Chana Hendler...
"Here lies a perfect and upright man [unclear]with all his strength and ? Our teacher the rabbi Yehiel son of our teacher R. Nahman of blessed memory Weler / Veler.  He died in a good name Thursday 24th Kislev 5662 as the abbreviated era.  May his soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life." (szpekh@cwu.edu)
"Here lies a pe...
"Here lies a perfect and upright man [unclear]with all his strength and ? Our teacher the rabbi Yehiel son of our teacher R. Nahman of blessed memory Weler / Veler.  He died in a good name Thursday 24th Kislev 5662 as the abbreviated era.  May his soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life." (szpekh@cwu.edu)
"Here lies a pe...



"A memorial. [Acrostic poem for Chaim Icchok Kaplan.]  It is he the excellent young scholar , good deeds and  and wise reflection/thoughtfulness [was] like him, Chaim Icchok son of R. Kalman Gelberg / Gilberg.  He died 20 Shevat 5659 as the abbreviated era.  May his soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life." (szpekh@cwu.edu)
"A memorial. [A...