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Jewish Cemeteries - £ód¼ - pre 1945
General view. Caption reads "Jewish Cemetery with Russian military trenches (lit. protection ditches) near Lodz"
General view. C...
Outstanding gravestone - not sure if located in £ód¼, but certain it is in Poland.
Outstanding gra...
Oustanding gravestones - not sure it is located in £ód¼, but certain it is in Poland. 
Symbol: Star of David. "Here lies Reb Avraham son of Reb David HaCohen Kaplan of blessed memory. (He died) on the 19th day of Adar 5690. May his soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life."

Translated by Heidi M. Szpek, Ph.D. (szpekh@cwu.edu), Assistant Professor of Religious Studies, Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Central Washington Univeristy, Ellensburg, WA 98926
Oustanding grav...