A - Z Gallery - M - Militaria: album WWI Belgium France Holland Ostfront  
Militaria: album WWI Belgium France Holland Ostfront

Today: Germany, in 1918 - 1939 Poland. Pre 1914 Russia, pre 1795 Poland
Email: bagnowka@yahoo.pl

Militaria - album WWI; ca 250 photos. Each perfect signed ny special labels. Belgium, France, Holland, Ostfront, others. Air photos. Flandern, Bolderhock, Bezelaire, Holebeke, Ypern,Tenbbreieleu, Veldhock, Brussel, Ostende, Gand, Mont Saint Pere, Piennes, Lille.Valvaire, Zandroorde, Cortrai, Ywartelern, Besker, Podeyeuwiere, Libau, Warschau, Parroz, Dienyel,Champagne, and manz, manz others I cant decipher handwritings. Complet. No one photo missiing.

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